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FOCUS DAYS is a professional meeting that brings together every year in Valencia since 2022 a diverse group of programmers and cultural managers of great international and national relevance specialised in the dance and live arts sector, to get to know first-hand the artistic proposals presented at the 10 Sentidos Festival, to dialogue and exchange on urgent issues for the industry and to get to know the dynamic cultural scene of Valencia.

This year the meeting will take place between 4th and 8th May and will focus on young creation in collaboration with the INJUVE programme, with round table discussions to debate the importance of community participation in artistic processes.

In addition, the guests will form part of the jury of the already renowned 10 Sentidos Choreography Competition and will award the FOCUS DAYS Prize, which will give the winner the opportunity to receive artistic mentorship throughout the year and to present the piece in the next edition of the Competition.

Throughout the days, other actions will be carried out for the guests to meet various local and national artists as well as a tour of the city through the different creative spaces in Valencia.

The Festival 10 Sentidos in its 13th edition has distinguished itself since its beginnings for its commitment to culture and social action, and with this meeting it wants to expand its network of collaborations and exchanges on a national and international level.

Curated and coordinated by:
Lorenzo Pappagallo

FOCUS DAYS is possible thanks to the support of the PICE programme of Acción Cultural Española.
