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Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis
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Bert Berg

A futile act of Domestication

Sala OFF

May 15th | 19:30h

Length: 20′

Double program with:

Annalì Rainoldi

An audience watches someone apply painter’s tape to the ground they’re standing on. Bit by bit the blueprint of a ‘Dogville living room’ is created. What follows is an attempt of a being trying to live a human life in this enclosed space. A Futile Act of Domestication speaks through a body language of mumbling limbs & trembling handstands to express what words fail to tell of what doesn’t fit between four walls.

Concept and direction: Bert Vanden Berghe

Dramaturgy: Bert Vanden Berghe

Music: The Books

Production and distribution: Vzw Toes Up

Press and communication: info@berberg.com 
