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Clausura Festival 10 Sentidos 2024


May 18th | From 18:00h to 22:00h

18:00h to 18:30h, hildren’s dance workshop with L Lara Misó (From 0 to 6 years)

18:00h to 20h, participatory mural with Irina Fokina

18:30h to 20:00h,dance meeting with Inés Sybile Voouduness (kuduro urban dance), Irene de la Rosa (flamenco) y Simon Bus (Contemporary urban dance).

20:00h to 20:30h, dj set BIANO

From 20:30h to 21:15h, dance performances with: Inés Sybile VooudunessIrene de la Rosa Simon Bus

From 21:15h to 22:00h, dj set BIANO

Lara Simó is a professional dancer and has worked in prestigious international dance companies. In this workshop, Lara proposes that the youngest children can experience, through body expression, how movement can be determined by music. Fast, slow, cut, tied, robotic, light… How can the body and sound dialogue?

Inés Sibyle Voouduness, dancer, cultural researcher and teacher, immerses us in a bodily search through Kuduro, a dance and urban music that emerged in the 1990s in Luanda (Angola). What narratives of identity and memory does this dance sculpt? What universes does it invent in Angola and in its diaspora in Lisbon?

Irene de la Rosa, destacada profesional en el ámbito de la danza y la docencia, invita a democratizar la danza y hacer accesible el flamenco a todo tipo de públicos. Su enfoque se centra en la innovación y en el impacto transformador que el baile puede generar, esforzándose por combinar la esencia de la tradición con elementos de modernidad.

Irene de la Rosa, a leading professional in the field of dance and teaching, invites us to democratise dance and make flamenco accessible to all audiences. Her approach focuses on innovation and the transformative impact that dance can generate, striving to combine the essence of tradition with elements of modernity.

Simon Bus received the innovation award for his contributions to the Dutch dance scene in 2022. In this meeting Simon shares his tools of improvisation and deconstruction of body forms to expand physical possibilities beyond limits.

Irina Fokina is a multidisciplinary artist. Irina is in charge of guiding the audience through the large-format participatory mural, using different experimental painting techniques, a mix of realism and abstract stains.

BIANO became known as the leader of the ORXATA machinery group. As a solo artist he performs a live techno set with machines [BIANO a màquina].  With his set he will give a great download with danceable styles ranging from Moombah, Trap, Kuduro, Zoukbass or Dancehall to Techno, Bakalao or Eurodance.