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Inés Sybille Vooduness

Dance Encounter + intervention

La Nau

May 18th

és Sybille Vooduness

Inés Sybille Vooduness is a dancer, cultural researcher and teacher. The artist’s creative impulse is embedded in a production of her own subjectivity and existential consciousness based on the imagination linked to the diasporic identity. Inés Sybille invents fictitious encounters with Haitian voodoo divinities from her choreographic field: the Angolan Kuduro, the Ivorian Coupé Décalé and the Jamaican Dancehall. In 2023, Inés was selected as artist-in-residence at La Casa Encendida with her performance Santa de sustrato autónomo. She is currently working on a co-production with TNT Festival and Teatro do Bairro Alto in Lisbon with her piece Simbi en aguas astronómicas. She also explores with her research Nuestro lakou digital, a work selected for residency at Central Elétrica do Porto and as a pitch project for Common Lab 2024.

Information about the Kuduro workshop

This session proposes a journey through the history and evolution of Kuduro, dance and urban music that emerged in the 90’s in Luanda (Angola). What narratives of identity and memory does this dance sculpt? What universes does it invent in Angola and in its diaspora in Lisbon? We will approach Kuduro by talking and, of course, dancing to some of its energetic themes.


Inés Sybille Voouduness immerses us in her bodily investigation of Kuduro and Coupé Décalé, two urban dances from Angola and Ivory Coast respectively. The artist brings us closer to the universes that these movements construct, making evident the contradictions that arise when adopting the underlying philosophies of these practices outside their original cultural contexts. With this improvisation, Inés Sybille proposes a poetic approach and a diasporic practice of reterritorialization.
