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Irene de la Rosa

Dance encounter and intervention

La Nau

May 18th

Irene de la Rosa invites us to democratize dance and make flamenco accessible to all types of audiences. In this meeting, the artist will take us into the world of flamenco from the basics, putting special emphasis on body percussion. The audience will be able to learn to use her body as an instrument, opening doors to expression and flamenco rhythm, in an experience designed for everyone, regardless of prior knowledge.

On the other hand, through her intervention, Irene de la Rosa will share her vision of an art in constant transformation. A work that aims to overcome traditional stereotypes in flamenco and embrace new forms of expression. Her focus is on innovation and the transformative impact that dance can generate, striving to combine the essence of flamenco tradition with elements of modernity, creating unique experiences that captivate and establish a deep bond with the audience.

Irene de la Rosa is a prominent professional in the field of dance, graduated in Spanish Dance, Law, Business Administration and Dance Pedagogy, in addition to having a Master’s Degree in Cultural Management. Her career is marked by collaborations with companies and projects such as Marea Danza, Mediterranean Guitar or the Cuéntame Otra project. She currently runs her own company, having presented productions such as “Miscelánea” or “MINIMAL”. With more than 10 years of experience in teaching, her goal is to democratize dance and make flamenco accessible to all types of audiences.

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