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Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània

October 1st | 18:50h-19:30h

LISASINSON is a graphic and musical project that emerged in November 2018 at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Valencia, from the hand of Miriam, Mar, Maria and Roser, who joined recently to the formation. They soon found their identity: punk drum lines, pop guitar melodies and cheeky lyrics or, as they call it, “punki pop”. This way Barakaldo arrived, recorded with the indispensable help of Pau Nadal who, in addition to recording, produces and plays the bass. Their first song is a clear example of what we were talking about: attitude, aim, unleashed spirits and, fortunately, lack of prejudice. How would they define it? “An ironic song about how stupid you get when you fall in love.” We couldn’t explain it better. Then her friend Victoria Herranz appears with an idea for her first video-clip and it’s the final straw. There, in three minutes, we can see these three girls unfold their magic, their message like “I’m three million galaxies away from this world”.

Concept and direction: Lisasinson

Music: Lisasinson

