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Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis
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Mireia Pérez Rodríguez

Mai deixarem de nàixer a tot el món

August 2023 marked two years since the Anti-LGTBIQ+ law entered in the Ghanaian parliament. After undergoing many revisions, its passage is almost imminent. Since this time, political and religious leaders have been spreading hate against the community and they are provoking deadly and heartbreaking violence on the streets. The law project aims to eradicate all non-reproductive sexuality, or identity outside of gender binarism, by proposing a covert genocide!

This action was born after having lived the experience of living with the Ghanaian queer community and having been able to develop a performance workshop with the collective, it is a cry that amplifies their voices!

Mireia Pérez Rodríguez, born in 1994 (Valencia), is a multidisciplinary artist who uses structure and performance as a way of connecting the physical and political body, emotionality, human and cosmic energy. Transcending vital processes and transforming them into collective ones through the action in the present.
