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Ni el vuelo de una mosca

Gerardo Esteve

May 10th / 7pm

Estudio Taiat Dansa

Book your free ticket sending an email to reservasfestival10sentidos@gmail.com

“Luckily, interior silence depends on each one. But external silence is a very scarce good, almost non-existent in the urban scenario where most of us currently live. A form of micro violence we have to endure in our lives. Unfortunately, we take for granted as a fait accompli”.  

This ludic, relaxed and not at all theatrical action will require active participation of those attending it to achieve its purpose.

It will have two well-defined parts.

In the first part, a specific atmosphere will be built between us, for which we will have to “lend a hand”.

In the second part, longer than the previous one, we will enjoy a very different atmorphere without “blinking an eyelid”.

Ex-football player, ex-psychiatrist-to-be, ex-Profesor Malvarrosa, ex-Ananda Dansa, ex-Esteve and Ponce and currently beater about the bush as Esteve and Montilla. I am an actor, creator and director of Teatro Ex-Temporáneo.

I decided to be a theartist to play it safe, to split taste, to mislead the present, to meet people and to travel beyond my nose.

With such a declaration of principles, I intend to earn myself a relevant and deserved place on the Mount of Oblivion.

Company: Gerardo Esteve

Idea and Production: Gerardo Esteve