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Sadeck Waff

Murmuration Lucioles

Lámina Norte y la zona Bajo Puente de la Explanada del Assut

May 3rd | 20:00h, 20:30h & 21:00h

Length: 5′

Free admission

Precision work inspired by nature. Driven by a universal message, the choreography transcends reality and carries culture around the world.

MURMURATION encourages you to deepen your self-knowledge: it is like an antidote that promotes (re)connection between each being.

Even if we are all very different in appearance, deep down we all aspire to the same thing, don’t you think?

Creative, Sadeck Berrabah stands out for his ingenuity in many areas.

Passionate about scenic and video aspects, and the culture, he poetically handles the art of movement and reflection.

His limitless imagination takes shape through projects that connect his passions for drawing, dance, culture and logic.

Feel the emotion of this human wall that expresses itself in movement.

The show hypnotizes you, fascinates you, surprises you, touches you, and invites you to dream.

Artist: Sadeck Berrabah

Choreographic assistance: Jibril Maillot

Idea and direction: Sadeck Berrabah

Music: Murmuration – Lucioles – Trex Beatmaker

Visual design: Sadeck Berrabah

Scenography: Sadeck Berrabah

Production and distribution: Claire LE CAM

Press and comunication: Aurelia Loncan



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