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Colectivo El Brote

May 11th / 12:30pm

Plaza del Ayuntamiento

The purpose is to think about non normative bodies. Oppressed bodies which do not meet the canons of beauty established by our system. A system where we are said to have a body that fits within the canons (an unreal body), or we will be excluded from society and the label of “normal”. This work also shows that we do not fit into stereotypes or gender roles imposed on us. We do it with pride and without shame.

Colectivo El Brote is born with the aim of recognizing through performing arts that anybody can do what they want, feel, love. “Anybody” refers to all diversities (functional, intellectual, sensory, sexual, emotional…). However, Colectivo El Brote focuses on functional diversity, as one of its members is within this collective.

We work noticing and listening to the diversity of bodies and movements. We create horizontally, improvising, experimenting and contributing ideas from both sides. We empathize, develop and grow. We learn every day from each other and from our way of seeing and living things.

Idea and Direction: Colectivo El Brote, Davínia Descals

Dramaturgy and Choreography: Davínia Descals

Performers: Davínia Descals, Íñigo Martínez

Music: Colectivo El Brote

Costume Design: Colectivo El Brote

Light and Stage Design: Colectivo El Brote

Production and Distribution: Colectivo El Brote

Press and Communication: Colectivo El Brote