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Workshop for children Danza Invisible


5th May, 6pm

The children will show the choreography to the audience at 7:45 pm

Espai Rambleta

Workshop for children from 6-12 years:

Nada que ver

The invisibility has nothing to do with the others, but with the form in which we project on them our differences and the otherness and at the same time we build ourselves as individual identities and collectives. The invisibility and the exclusion for reasons of poverty, of gender, of race or social condition are the intolerant expression of these constructions before the figures of otherness.

The media and the advertising make use of these figures to transform them in imaginary collectives, public opinion or in a simply show of the discrimination and the social exclusion. The images that we call informative, the use of the language, the educative metaphors or the scenic practice are part of the habits, the social consensus and the cultural stereotypes with which, in an unnoticed way, we produce invisibilities.

The workshop Nada que ver tries to in-corporate a experience and a reflection through dance about the form that the relationship with the other, with the different and the strange acquires, with the invisible that have stayed outside the scene and the images that daily and indiscriminately we consume, as other ways of producing invisibility.

Forma POVERA Cía. is a Project of creation and artistic research which deals with relevant questions in the artistic and social field, through an interdisciplinary approach between the scenic forms and other artistic and visual practice.

Forma POVERA Cía. Comes from the idea that the artistic form has an ineludible commitment with the quality of the materials that form it, as the transformation of the scenic devices as the public space and the social space are shared. For this reason the form pobre (poor) does not refer to the aspect of the performing or the scenic show, but to a critic answer before the representation and the poetics that encourages it.

Forma POVERA Cía. Thinks about a work of creation and research from the own materials before adopting a committed form with the conventions, the genders or the habits inherited from a tradition non reflected. In this line of work different processes and choreographic essays have been developed as Core(otro)pías, Coreutopías, Moving between darkness and light presented in different artistic and academic encounters. Through them different questions have been dealt with about the scenic and visual form that it is adopted by the construction of the “other” in the contemporary society (Coreotropías, Moving…), as the relationship between dance, cinema and the social production of an urban space (coreutopías).