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Presentación del documental València Futura

Valencia is a green, inclusive, artistic and demanding city. Valencia is a city of illusions, of dreams fulfilled and to fulfill.

My hope is that Valencia will one day become a city that is respectful of nature. Because nature is not our possession: it is the environment in which we have evolved and in which I am excited to think that we can continue to co-evolve.
And for this reason, Valencia must be a social city committed to its future, a place without borders, open to speech and movement, where hatred and violence are only part of a palimpsest in one of its various museums.
_Pablo Ramon
Through an audiovisual production directed by the organization 10 Sentidos, València Futura focuses on the intergenerational perception of the city of Valencia and its future projection. Through this footage, different voices and reflections on a city that continues to grow and questions inherited models will be heard. Project in collaboration with Las Naves Center for Social and Urban Innovation.

Proyect in collaboration with Las Naves Centro de Innovación Social y Urbana.

Idea: Meritxell Barberá e Inma García

Interviewer: Pablo Ramón

Interviewees: Adriana Moreno, Pablo Oliver, Ariadna Muñoz, Carles Leyva, Teo Beneyto, Dulce Ramírez, Juan José Beneyto, Olivia Barberá , Cristina Pontas, Celia Albella, Amparo Garrido, Juan Pérez, Paloma Hernández, Lyan Campos, Mar Gómez, Zhandra Fuenmayor, Mercedes González, Pablo López, Marcelo Cantarela , Ramón Aznar y Cristian Ferrando

Camera: Jano Sempere y Carlos Lamilla

Edition: Jano Sempere

Public Management: Alba Parejo

Production: Ana Cembrero y Marta Fernández

A production of  Naves Centro de Innovación Social y Urbana and Festival 10 Sentidos.

WhatsApp Image 2023-03-24 at 19.44.13(1)