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Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis
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Where and when is Festival 10 Sentidos celebrated?

10 Sentidos will take over Valencia from 2nd to 22nd of May 2022 in diferent spaces from the city like: Centre del Carme, el Palau de les Arts, Palau de la Generalitat, Fundación Bancaja, La Nau, la Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Filmoteca, Rambleta, Espacio Inestable y MuVIM among others.

Where can I check the programme?

You can chek the Festival programm at our website or downloading the hand programme.

Where can I buy tickets?

For shows with ticket sales we offer you a page with all the links to the online sales platforms. You can also adquire the tickets on the diferents venues.

How can I participate on the worshop that Festival 10 Sentidos organizes?

To take part on the workshops and masterclasses that the festival organizates you have to fill the form of inscription that you will find in every activity into the Take part section.

What is the Choreographic Competition 10 Sentidos?

Festival 10 Sentidos, in it’s commitment to a program where consecrated artists and new talents coexist, launches every year this event that receives around 300 choreographic proposals from all continents.

The festival team selects in each edition 10 finalists, where quality and innovation are valued, but also the relationship of the piece presented with the motto of each year. In addition, the festival invites performing arts professionals who attend the event with the possibility of selecting or promoting pieces to program in their festivals and spaces.

Where can I be informed from the latest news of the Festival?

You can be informed of the latest news on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

How can I send an artistical proposal?

The direction of the festival valorates every proposal recived on the e-mail info@festival10sentidos.com during the year.