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III Edition - Tras la mirada

In 2013, the program of the festival started from a motto which is addressed in the third edition: “Tras la mirada” (behind the look) is the conceptual epigraph from which the offer of the III Festival 10 Sentidos has been designed.
The idea of really seeing as opposed to just looking in the strictest sense, the subjectivity and implication of each one’s gaze when being exposed to a piece of art, to an artistic experience and to a scenic piece can be as surprising and exquisite as each one of the spectators that form an audience. Highlighting the more individual view, both that of the issuing artist and that of the receiving spectator, inspires a freedom free of prejudices in a way that is necessary to insist on many values through the art.
The principal purpose of the Festival 10 Sentidos is to demonstrate differences as an exponential factor of singularity of each creator, whoever it may be. Behind the initial look of an artistic event there are several questions that invite more profound reflections on aspects of collective and social interest. This experience is what the festival proposes to the public.
The difficulty that every audience faces before an artistic creation has to do with understanding. No matter the degree of familiarity, artistic or intellectual formation or the proximity to the context of art. The feeling of some confusion and perplexity before what we see is more common. Once accepted this degree of uncertainty, the question is to be able to look beyond, not only stay in the facts exposed in a sensitive way, because this is the margin that any spectator has left. On the other hand, time will be the deciding factor in placing or even judging that work. The public can afford to go and appease their initial state of intimidation to achieve a more personal and forceful observation of what the artist has put before them. Behind the initial look can appear endless different looks.

Scenic Programme

Alessandro Sciarroni
‘Your Girl’ y ‘Untitled I will be there when you die’
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I certamen Laboratorio 10 Sentidos
ALTERACIONES Danza–Teatro, Koke Armero, LASALA, Moments Art DaNSa & TeaTre, Ugne Dievaityte y Zen del Sur
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José Galán
‘En mis cabales’
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La Excepción con El Langui y Gitano Antón
Concierto inaugural
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Rocío Molina y Rosario “La Tremendita”
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‘Artificial Things’
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Teatro de los Sentidos
‘La bodega de los sentidos’
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Scenic Programme for Children

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Plastic Arts Programme

Juan Torre
‘Imágenes para tocar’
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Muestra del Taller Fotografía Sensorial por Almudena Caso y Eva Sala
‘Fotografiar desde Dentro’
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Audiovisual Cycle

Ciclo Audiovisual ‘Artes audiovisuales inclusivas y accesibles’
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Conferencia con Cinesín
‘Artes audiovisuales inclusivas y accesibles la experiencia de Cinesín’
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Didactic Programme

Taller Artes Escénicas por José Galán
‘Flamenco sobre La Belleza’
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Taller Cante Flamenco por Rosario “La Tremendita”
‘Sentir y sentido del cante’
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Taller Composición Performance por Alessandro Sciarroni
‘Dancing for some bodies’
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Taller Danza por StopGap
‘Masterclass with Lucy Bennett’
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Taller Graffiti por Blanca Yuste y Chus Reyes
‘Arte Urbano: Pintura Mural-Graffiti’
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Didactic Programme for Children

Taller Artes Plásticas para niños por Max Vila
‘Dibujando los sueños’
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Taller Danza para niños por StopGap
‘Workshop for Children with Stopgap’
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Taller Graffiti para niños por Blanca Yuste y Chus Reyes
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Parallel Activities

Yoga en la Calle
7ª Quedada del Spring Yoga Festival
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Charla-coloquio con Rocío Molina
Tras la representación de ‘Afectos’
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Charla-coloquio con StopGap
Tras la representación de ‘Artificials Things’
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Coloquio con Teatro de los Sentidos
‘Poética del Juego y Espacios Sensoriales. Creación y construcción de una experiencia poética’
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Conferencia con Eduardo Jaúregui
‘Supercapacitados con el Humor’
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Conferencia con Roberto Fratini
‘Tras la mirada’
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Exposición online por FANDACE
‘Te regalo mi mirada’
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Muestra Taller Artes Escénicas con José Galán
‘Flamenco sobre la Belleza’
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