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Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis
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cabecera ed 2011

I Edition – Presentation

The Festival 10 Sentidos opens its doors to creators who show and share their differences, to projects which are admired both for their experience and their artistic quality in terms of their differences and their specialisation in the field of integration, solidarity, and different abilities. What is more difficult than to be oneself? Honesty, a deep sense of communication, arriving, reflecting, and deepening in values and thoughts become (or should become) essential to any artistic proposal, above prejudices and barriers of an ideological or intellectual nature. The Festival 10 Sentidos supports the art scene of the individual and their generosity towards the collective. It is a challenge to break the barriers of indifference from the creative impulse beyond integration.

Scenic Programme

Candoco Dance Company ‘Set & Reset/Reset’ y ‘Still’ More information

DJ Pascal Kleiman y VJ Kyle Lyons Sesión de música electrónica More information

Ignasi Terraza ‘SolIT’ More information

Locos por el teatro ‘Visiones de nosotros’ More information

La niña de los cupones ‘Sorda’ More information

Danza Mobile ‘Dame un segundo’ More information

Moments Art ‘Mañana te veo’ More information

Plastic Arts Programme

Fundación ONCE ‘El mundo fluye: dos miradas sobre una misma realidad’ More information

Audiovisual Cycle

Cortometraje documental ‘Pianola’ Rosa Izquierdo y Guillermo Roqués More information

Didactic Programme

Taller Danza por Candoco Dance Company ‘Masterclass with Pedro Machado and Vicky Malin’ More information

Taller Artes Plásticas por Deborah Paparelli ‘El artista dentro de ti’ More information

Taller Artes Escénicas por Moments Art ‘La Belleza’ More information

Didactic Programme for Children

Taller para niños por Gaes ‘Al cuidado de tu salud auditiva’ More information

Parallel Activities

Grupo de discusión
‘La diversidad en el Arte’
More information