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Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis
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cabecera ed 2012

II Edition - Presentation

Every human being has their own abilities that give them the capacity and the sensitivity to be useful for the whole of society. In the same way, differences between people make it difficult to distinguish and clearly evince what we can contribute. What is clear to us is that we all have disabilities. Some are more visible, others less. Some are more conventional, others less. Some are more valued by the society, others less.
The ability or disability of each person sometimes makes the difference. And that difference can become an obstacle. Sometimes it manifests itself during a conflict of marginalisation or social exclusion. It is at that moment when the need to undertake a project of these characteristics become necessary, a project of integration and inclusion that promotes the development of the creative potential of every one of each individual.
To this end, the Festival 10 Sentidos emerges as a place to meet and reflect on people who have disabilities that coexist with others, apparently not disabled and socially adapted. The means by which this sense of unity will be encouraged is going to be the art. The objective will be to show the benefits and contributions to communication and knowledge of different abilities.

Scenic Programme

The Choolers
Concierto inaugural
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Ignasi Terraza y Josemi Carmona
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TNT el vacíe
‘La casa de Bernarda Alba’
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Alta Realitat
‘Black Out’
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DIN A 13
‘Patterns beyond traces’
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Plastic Arts Programme

Mira Bernabéu
‘Síntomas de la representación’
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Audiovisual Cycle

Serie documental ‘Únicos, otras caras del arte’
Fundación ONCE
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Didactic Programme

Taller Teatro por TNT el vacié
‘Todos esperamos a Godot’
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Taller Vídeo Creación por Nerea Rodríguez
‘El acto de grabar: la mirada de la cámara’
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Taller Artes Plásticas por Max Vila
‘Escultura reciclada’
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Taller Danza por DIN A 13
‘Habilidades mixtas y coreografía’
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Taller Artes Escénicas por Alta Realitat
‘La Belleza’
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Didactic Programme for Children

Taller Danza para niños por Moments Art
‘Danza para niñ@s’
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Taller Música para niños por Cuneta
‘Música náutica’
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Parallel Activities

Charla-coloquio con TNT el vacié
Tras la representación de ‘La casa de Bernarda Alba’
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Coloquio con Moments Art
‘Teatro y enfermedad mental’
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