How could the concept of Frontier be addressed today in this globalized world? Does territorial separation, that physical and dividing line between nations, acquire the same meaning today to refer to the confines of each country, with its decisions, customs, language, culture…? How is the global landscape being modified in its frontier sense, confined, drawn and divided by new technologies and the virtual world?
The Festival 10 Sentidos reaches its X Edition in May 2021, reflecting on the horizons caused by the frontiers that divide the new global world in which we live. Broken and shaped horizons by a pandemic that continues shaking the socio-political reality of all territories. The health crisis that has run amok at the end of 2019 continues paralyzing the rhythm of cities and the flow of contemporary societies. Behind its impact remain the forgotten, distances, uncertainties and inequalities, walls to be broken down, identities to be rethought and new ways of conceiving our reality, both physically and virtually.
The extremes that touch and move away from each other between countries, cities and territories that know each other better and better thanks to the multimedia information that is almost universally accessible in every corner of the world. In this decisive and important edition, the Festival 10 Sentidos proposes an intergenerational reflection to find out how the concept of frontier has changed and how it has been modified in the last fifty years. From the point of view of innovation and research, the Festival is proposed as a platform to present thoughts, ideas and proposals of a cultural, artistic and social nature that will allow us to understand better this space, physically divided into territories but with unlimited access to information that makes up our planet today.