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Bandas sin Fronteras



Las Naves

May 21st | 19h

Garage-rock, risky lyrics, cheekiness, and lots of beautiful things: these were the ingredients chosen to create a band that was needed. But then the I don’t care factor was added to the mix. That is how LORETTA’S was created and now, with their ultra-super themes, María, Paola, Gian and Patri devote their lives to fight directly the forces of evil by presenting their album ¿Qué coño estoy haciendo y para qué? Their first single Rosalía has nothing to do with Tra-tra, but with Rosalía de Castro, as they admire her talent and the way in which she described having her own voice and dreams to fulfil even though she awoke screams of madness. Each song is composed and born from several heads that give shape to a rich and well-founded stew. From Castelló with love they bring that stew to the stage.