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Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis
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XI Edition - Dreamers

With the theme Dreamers, the Festival in 2020 will be focused on young people, their concerns, their hopes, their desires and conflicts.

They will be the principal actors in 10 Sentidos 2020.

Which world are they looking for and yearning for? What kind of world they don’t like? How are the adults wondering about the world they are leaving to them and to the future generations?

Future Desires

On-line On-line proyect

May 7th | November 12nd


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Dreamers 2.0

Colective Exposition

September 10th | October 10th

Las Naves

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September 17th | 20:00h

Monasterio San Miguel de los Reyes

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El mundo que queremos

September 16th | October 4th

Fundación Mainel

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September 20th | 12:00h-14:00h/17:00h-20:00h

La Mutant Espai D’arts Vives

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Ciclo de Cine

September 22-24-25-26-27 | 21:00h

September 22nd

Soñadores (2003)

| Bernardo Bertolucci | 115′

September 24th

El Viajero (1974)

| Abbas Kiarostami | 83′

September 25th

Meduzot (2007)

| Shira Geffen & Etgar Keret | 75′

September 26th

Nada Personal (2009)

| Urszula Antoniak | 85′

September 27th

Ratcatcher (1999)

| Lynne Ramsay | 95′

Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània

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Ciclo de Conciertos

October 1st | 17h to 17:50h/19:30h to 20:00h

Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània

JuAnKmUS* DJset




Cero en conducta

Letras Soñadas

October 1st-11th

Bookstores Bartleby, Miranfú, La Batisfera, Railowsky, La Rossa, Bangarang, Imperio y La Primera

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October 3rd | 19:00h

Centre del Carme

Presentation into the proyect ‘Letras soñadas’ from Festival 10 Sentidos

La Juventud Baila

Jaume Ibáñez

October 17th

Plaza de San Marcelino | 12:30h

Plaza de San Sebastián | 18:00h

Plaza del Rosario | 20:00h

October 22nd | 19:00h

Plaza del Patriarca

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Sol Picó

November 6th | 20h

Monasterio San Miguel de los Reyes

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Ciclo de Coreógrafos emergentes

November 17th & 18th| 19:00h

Espacio Inestable

I-4 | Julia Zac & Ulrico Eguizabal

Javier J. Hedrosa | Perhaps Maniphesto

Mauricio Pérez Fayos | Tacto-Táctil


Antoni Abad

November 26th | 19:00h

Las Naves

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Future Lovers

La Tristura

November 26th & 27th| 18h & 21h

Sala Off

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