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Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis
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AMORDISCOS – l´heure exquise

Monasterio San Miguel de los Reyes

May the 5th | 19:30h

Duración: Between 30 y 45 minutes

The workshop AMORDISCOS arises as a reflection on love from an intergenerational point of view based on how our elders built affective relationships through written letters and how teenagers and young people do it through WhatsApp messages. Mouthfuls of love and music, of affection and passions expressed by a group of adults and young people in the post-pandemic era.

LARTEFACTA is a laboratory focused on arts, education and culture where we investigate strategies to implement the presence of the arts in non-formal educational environments. We work in our projects with the approach that cultural rights are also human rights and that education must guarantee that children, teenagers and adults can freely participate in the social and cultural life of their communities or any other option of identity with full guarantees. In this task we understand that the arts play a fundamental role.

Company/artist: Workshop participants + LARTEFACTA

Idea and direction:  Ferran Benavent Miralles

Dramaturgy: Ferran Benavent Miralles e Ignasi Chilet Torres

Press y comunication: Ferran Benavent Miralles
