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Balletto Teatro di Torino


Double program with:

Vidavé | Hansel & Gretel Alteration

Sala Off

May 19th | 19:00h

Length: 30 minutes

The piece deals with how individuals respond to social conventions, and their similarities and differences. Due to their diverse backgrounds and upbringings, the performers are able to investigate perceptions of social conventions in various cultures by means of dance. Using her own unique artistic language, which combines detailed movement vocabulary and heightened theatrical humor, Ella Rothschild explores the personalities and the relationships in the group and creates one big wonderful, grim world, lighthearted and yet very profound.

Founded by Loredana Furno in 1979, BTT has recently celebrated 40 years of ongoing activity and, since 2016, has been directed by Viola Scaglione. Aside from its activities in Italy, specifically in Turin, where it is acknowledged as a stable production body – supported by the Italian Ministry of Culture (MiC), the Piemonte Region, and the City of Turin – BTT has carried out numerous tours abroad (Europe, USA, Cuba, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Turkey, Taiwan, China, South Korea).

Title of the piece: TIMELINE

Company: Balletto Teatro di Torino

Choreography: Ella Rothschild

Assistant: Lorenzo Ferrarotto

Music: Nils Frahm, The Dust Brothers

Costume Design:  Walter&Hamlet

Light Design:  Yoav Barel

Light technician: Ornella Banfi

Production and distribution: Balletto Teatro di Torino





Timeline DSC_3898