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Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis
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Flamenco is not a Crime

Los Voluble

18 May / International Museum Day

Centre del Carme

Free access

FLAMENCO IS NOT A CRIME breaks frontiers between some “unremixable” genres, such as “brotherhood proclamations”, tonás, noisy electronics or martinetes. It is the most flamenco and danceable audiovisual set of Los Voluble. A set that fits in electronic music festivals and flamenco shows is a declaration of intentions.

Borderhack is an audiovisual show that fights against the politics of fear of the other. This work aims to hack the colonial imagination in which our culture is based using electronics, flamenco and noise.

The relationship of Los Voluble, Pedro and Benito Jiménez, with flamenco dates from long ago. Since their audiovisual remix –that they’ve performed for more than 20 years–, flamenco has been present in their work. It is not surprising that it became one of the central elements of their discourse. Back and forth, tradition, experimentation, critical culture and humour. Los Voluble reject purity and support the free party movement as temporary autonomous zones.