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May 17th / 7pm

Espai Rambleta

You can also buy your ticket at THE BOX (from 26/04 to 04/05)

BREAK / DESCANSO / HLÉ reflects upon the current paradigm shift in human relations. Performance is aimed at identifying social patterns, learned habits, codes, demands and needs defining communication to help understand our reality.

What is leading us to destroy everything, both ourselves and the planet? We consume and drive aggressively, and we apply physical, verbal, conceptual and social violence. We socialize within a simple binary pattern: YES/NO, CHEAP/EXPENSIVE, LIKE/DISLIKE.

That’s why we aim to stop, to rest, to slow down, to take distance to be able to look from outside. And to play in this visual and performing experimental lab.

Hallveig Kristín Eiríksdóttir is a visual and performance artist from Reykjavík, Iceland. Member of the performance group CGFC (www.cgfc.rocks), the dance group Lufttanzer and stage designer for the Finnish group Blaue Frau (www.blauefrau.com).

David Orrico is a teacher, designer, musician and transdisciplinary artist. Director of the Cre.Art Project company (www.creartproject.com) and member of BemficaSentado (www.bemficasentado.com). His work focuses on a hybrid between theatre and living arts.

BREAK / DESCANSO / HLÉ emerges as a collaboration between artists from two different countries in the period of technological globalization.

Idea and direction: David Orrico, Hallveig Kristín Eiríksdóttir

Dramaturgy: David Orrico and Juan Ollero

Choreography: David Orrico, Hallveig Kristín Eiríksdóttir, Juan Ollero

Interpreters: Workshop participants, workshop participants in Reykjavik

Music: David Orrico

Costumes: The company

Lighting Design:  Lola Barroso

Audiovisual Design: The company

Stage Design: David Orrico, Hallveig Kristín Eiríksdóttir

Distribution and Production:  The company

Press and Communication:   The company