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Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis
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Subscribe elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae eleifend ac, enim. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus.
The sheer quantity of humans, perceived in the early stages of a mass society such as ancient Rome, is felt as a threat for the first time. This title refers to the beginning of one of the most extensive European civilisations, at the dawn of organised social living, and the need to regulate relations between humans and things, which were multiplying beyond all measure. Thus Law was born, as a response to the immense number of cases to be examined, and this choreography mimics the facts, consequences, judgements and pacts that give rise to certain motions in human action. The rules of Roman Law grasp the legal side of human affections. The primitive experience underlying these legal abstractions also captures the psychic depth of the individual: the instinct of self-preservation, the sentiment of property, the concept of justice, the rationale of solidarity, the perception of what is just and the transcendence of an impartial legal system.
Name / Title of the piece: All’inizio della città di Roma
Company/artist: Societas / Claudia Castellucci
Concept and direction: Claudia Castellucci
Dramaturgy: Claudia Castellucci
Music: Stefano Bartolini
Lighting: Eugenio Resta
Stage and set design: Eugenio Resta
Production and distribution: Camilla Rizzi
Press and communication: Camilla Rizzi and Simona Barducci