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Coloquio Mujeres y ciencia

Challenges and illusions to put life in the center

Fundación Cañada Blach

May 15th | 19:00h

The professional and personal vision of Helena, Lola and Alegría helps us draw the reality of the scientific field within the framework of the challenges that face us in the face of the environmental and care crisis. Together, we draw the illusions that will drive us in the development of a social reality that puts life at the center.


Helena Prima / Project Manager for the safety, health and environmental monitoring area at ITENE. PhD in Physics. Coordinator in the area of Air Quality and sustainable mobility at Ecologistas en Acción PV. PhD in Physics of more sustainable molecular materials. Activist focused on air pollution and alternative ways of transporting goods.

Lola Llobat /

Cardenal Herrera CEU University. Professor of Genetics at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Cardenal Herrera CEU University, evaluator of scientific projects for the European Union and member of scientific societies such as the Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM), Spanish Society of Genetics (SEG), Association of Women Researchers and Technologists, or the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP).

Alegría Montoro /

Radiological Protection Service. La Fe University Hospital, Valencia. Degree in Biological CC from the University of Valencia and PhD in CC. Biologicals from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the UPV). She has collaborated as an expert in three missions with the International Atomic Energy Agency, which is the main intergovernmental world forum for scientific and technical cooperation in the nuclear field.


María Pardo /

Equality agent and expert in communication with a gender perspective. With experience in equal opportunity policies in both public and private institutions, she is a training coordinator at Espai Calandra, where she accompanies gender training and consulting programs for entities, institutions and companies.

Shot of a focused young female scientist solving equations on a glass wall in a laboratory