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El amor y la muerte

Antonio Galera

11th May / 11:30h y 2pm

Plaza del Ayuntamiento

A first love encounter next to the Manzanares river, a night dance by candlelight, a love confession, a duel to the death… Granados plays music to the daily life scenes of the “majos” and “majas” of Madrid of the 18th Century. The musician was in love with Goya’s paintings, both with the light of his first canvases and tapestries, and with the passion and darkness of his whims and his black paintings. Influenced by the painter, he draws a musical fresco of this period evoking the purest loves and the lowest passions. Goya, in his Whim El amor y la muerte (Love and Death) had criticized the sword duel, a great absurdity of human behaviour based on a strange idea of honor and female possession; a hundred years later, Granados includes it in his piano suite, sublimated, romanticized –”as a happiness in pain”, he indicates in the score–, completely in love with his Goya characters.

Antonio Galera has performed in Europe, America, Africa and Asia in venues such as the Salle Cortot in Paris, St. Martin in the Fields in London, Zhong Shan Hall in Taipei, Auditorio Nacional in Madrid or Palau de la Música in Barcelona and in festivals such as the Ciclo de Jóvenes Intérpretes de la Fundación Scherzo, Musika-Música Bilbao, Festival Serenates and Festival del Mediterrani in Valencia or with the Centre de Musique de Chambre in Paris. He has collaborated with dance companies such as La Veronal in the Festival 10 Sentidos in 2016 and in the show Amor Brujo by La Fura dels Baus with the Orquestra de la Comunitat Valenciana at the Palau de les Arts. This summer he will publish his first album, Prélude, recorded at the Auditorio Manuel de Falla in Granada.

Idea and Direction: Antonio Galera (piano)

Performer: Antonio Galera (piano)

Music: “Goyescas. Los majos enamorados (selection)”. Enrique Granados