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El fin de las cosas

Doos Colectivo

11th May / 12pm

Plaza del Ayuntamiento

EL FIN DE LAS COSAS talks about how we interact, the decisions we make, and how they affect the people close to us. It talks about when you feel everything is upside down but you keep going forward as if nothing had happened, when the rhythm is lost. It talks about inertia and stubbornness, about lack of control, the animal, about what we would like to happen and it’s actually happening.

EL FIN DE LAS COSAS talks about that border between what we keep secret and what we do.

Eva Guerrero begins to create scenic works in 2005. As she grows artistically, she also works on video dance, performance, installation and narrative, and publishes the book Destrucción Mutua Asegurada in 2015. She works as a teacher and as a cultural  manager for different cultural centres and festivals. Her creations are always based on the body as a starting point, with materials such as: manipulation, daily actions, gesture, risk, ugly bodies… She uses improvisation and text both on stage and as a tool for choreography. Her works have been shown both nationally and internationally. She currently runs the Espacio Punto de Fuga and is part of DOOS Colectivo, founded in 2011, together with Jemima Cano.

Idea, direction and dramaturgy: Eva Guerrero

Choreography: Eva Guerrero, Garazi Lopez de Armentia and Aritz López

Dancers: Garazi Lopez de Armentia and Aritz López

Music: Ainara LeGardon

Costumes: Begoña Díaz

Lighting Design: Arantza Heredia

Stage Design: DOOS Colectivo

Distribution and Production: Jemima Cano

Media: DOOS Colectivo