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El principio de las Ilusiones

Proyect in colaboration with DKV Arteria and the area of neuropediatrics of the IMED hospital

Teatre El Musical

May 20th | 12:30h

Duration: 30 minutes

El principio de las ilusiones is presented at the Teatre El Musical, with a format that is both scenic and plastic and visual, the result of a community work process, led by the management of the Festival 10 Sentidos and with different professionals from the arts, which has carried out for weeks with boys and girls, with different pathologies, at the Imed hospital thanks to DKV Arteria. The Art and Social Action pairing brings together in the same space girls and boys with different concerns and sensitivities, with diverse realities and dreams to be built. Their desires and desires are the stars of this participatory proposal that is presented to the public both in the hall and on the TEM stage.

This project highlights the possibility of change and innovation that art offers, especially in the face of the most vulnerable realities. Thus, the 10 Sentidos Festival, hand in hand with DKV Arteria, puts the focus once again on art as a transforming space and on creation as a way of meeting.
