Organizer | GmExpresa
Artistic director | Meritxell Barberá
Executive director | Inma García
Project coordinator and general advisor | Nuria Vázquez
Coordination, production and technical assistance | Ana Cembrero, Alexia Guillot and Sara Bacigalupe
Focus days curator | Lorenzo Pappagallo
Focus Days international coordination | Ana Cembrero and Alba Parejo
Mediation and audience management | Alba Parejo, Mara Landa
Protocolo | Alba Parejo
Coordination – Club de Espectadores Jóvenes 10 Sentidos – IVAJ | Mauricio Pérez y Víctor Benavides
Choreographic competition 10 Sentidos 2022 selection comittee | Meritxell Barberá, Ana Cembrero and Inma garcía
Box office management | Guillem Beltrán
Web and contents | Pilar Estrada and Mara Landa
Translation | Càrol Delgado y Salvador Rodríguez
Art direction and Graphic design | Pilar Estrada
Broadcast | GmPublicidad
Social Media | Paula Sahuquillo and Eva Rausell
Press and promotion | Guillermo Arazo
Photo | Almudena Soullard
Audiovisual| Cinestorm
Technical direction | Trasto Produccions SL