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10 Sentidos Children’s Drawing Exhibition

Fundación Mainel

May 9th to 31st 

Opening | may 9th | 18:30

The Festival 10 Sentidos defends in its 2024 edition the importance of preserving an unparalleled human asset, culture, PorLaCultura.

To this end, the Children’s Drawing Exhibition 2024, promoted by 10 Sentidos and the Mainel Foundation of Valencia, proposes through this call for entries a reflection addressed to the participating children on what they understand by culture.

If we speak, write and can express ourselves through drawing, it is precisely thanks to our cultural heritage. Therefore, in this call we want the children to think about this possibility, the power of creativity and human transmission that has reached our days, with all the artistic manifestations that we know and that are yet to come.

This exhibition is a tribute to culture through their looks, in which they will surprise us, one more year, with their ideas and proposals.

The opening will take place on May 9th, 2024 at 18:30h at the Mainel Foundation headquarters: Plaça de la Porta de la Mar, 6, 2nd floor, door 8, 46004 Valencia.

The exhibition can be visited at the Mainel Foundation until May 31st during its regular opening hours.
