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Children drawing exposition 10 Sentidos 2023

Fundación Mainel

From may 8th to may 21st

Inauguration | May 8th | 18:30h

The 10 Senses Festival celebrates a new edition of the Children’s Drawing Contest together with Fundación Mainel, with the support of the Conselleria d’Educació, and thanks to Obra Social “la Caixa”.

The Children’s Drawing Contest seeks to put the focus on the looks of the little ones, on their ideas and their drawings about ILLUSIONS. Through this proposal we intend to establish a reflection that travels inside and outside the classroom, through their imaginations and the imaginations of the older people who accompany them. In this edition we bet on illusions in all stages of life, from the clearest and best known illusion of childhood to those so real of the elderly.

In this exhibition we will bring together the graphic testimony of children who become the protagonists of the 10 Senses Festival.
