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Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis
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Galerías a lo Bestia

May 15th – 18:30h


Set Espai d’Art

Luis Adelantado

Pepita Lumier

To attend, you must book in advance by sending an e-mail to reservas10sentidos@gmail.com


Galerías a lo Bestia is an activity in collaboration with three art galleries located in the centre of Valencia: Set Espai d’Art, Luis Adelantado and Pepita Lumier.


Each gallery will exhibit a series of works related to the theme “Bestias”. On May 15th, at 6:30 pm, people will be able to enjoy a special visit with the choreographic work of Martxel Rodríguez, Jon López and Cristina Reolid. These dancers will translate into dance the artworks exhibited in each gallery.