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Danza Mobile

May 12th, 13:00 h

Plaza del Ayuntamiento

When you are associated to a collective, in an immediate way you become into a prototype in the face of many people. I am not and archetype! … well, sometimes I am.

The company Danza Mobile started professionally in 2001 being currently a model in the professional panorama with a outstanding projection nationally and internationally.

From the first staging, they have done 25 shows where more than 500 performances haven been carried out. In the achievement of this aim it has been fundamental the union of some professionals in the world of the scenic arts. Around 60 professionals have collaborated with Danza Mobile all this time. Moreover, the staging developed by the company have toured around nationally, autonomically and locally. They have also taken part in fetvials and programming as Mes de Danza, Bienal del Flamenco in Sevilla, Festival de Música y Danza in Granada, Festival Ecléctic in Tarragona or the Festival 10Sentidos in Valencia among others. It has been in different exhibitions and programming in UK, Germany, Jordan, Italy, Switzerland, France, Netherlands, Turkey, Russia, Wales, Belgium and Morocco. Danza Mobile has also won several awards in its 15 years of work, for their specific work in many of their scenic productions and also because they have marked milestones when we speak of employability and social inclusion. As for example the Premio Dionisos to theatrical projects with social repercussion, UNESCO-Comunidad de Madrid (2012), Premio Andaluz a las Buenas Prácticas en la Atención a las personas con discapacidad de la Consejería para la Igualdad y el Bienestar Social de la Junta de Andalucía (2010),  Premio ‘Solidaridad’ de la Unión de Actores e Intérpretes de Andalucía (2010), Premio Mayte de Teatro a la Normalización de la discapacidad en el Teatro (2007), among others.

Idea and Stage Management: Arturo Parrilla

Artistic consultant:  Esmeralda Valderrama

Lighting/Illumination: Benito Jiménez

Distribution and Production: Javier Ossorio

Press and Communication: Mercedes Vega

Company Web:              www.ciadanzamobile.com

Social Networks of the company:

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/dmobile.sevilla/

Twitter https://twitter.com/danzamobile?lang=es

Instagram  https://www.instagram.com/danzamobile/