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Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània

May 7th | 18:00h, 19:00h and 20:00h

Duration: 13 minutes

Especially for this edition of festival 10 sentidos, Adriaan Luteijn (Resident Choreographer Interaction and Inclusion at Introdans modern ballet company, The Netherlands ) created a duet with two dancers which he never met before and were selected by Taiat Dansa. Luteijn life work is a series of dance productions under the title De Ontmoeting (the Encounter). All these choreographies have in common that they are bridging two worlds and always have a mixed cast: one part is coming from Luteijns world (modern dance) and the others are guests coming from other physical, intellectual, socio-cultural or dance backgrounds. This Ontmoeting is a result of the actual Encounter of the two magnificent dancers Yanél Barbeito (51) and Vicente Sales (19) .

Title of the piece: Frictio

Company/artist: coproduction Introdans and Taiat Dansa ,

Dancers: Yanel Barbeito/ Vicente Sales

Concept and direction: Adriaan Luteijn ( Introdans, The Netherlands)

Music: Spinvis

Lighting advice: Maarten van den Berg ( Introdans)

Production: Alexia Guillot


Processed with VSCO with b3 preset

Photography by Omar Gómez Hernández