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NINGUNA PARTE (Aprendiendo a vivir)

CCCC Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània

May 5th | 18:00h

Length: 40′

Free admission

A classroom is an empty space. A piece of home, outside of it. A space set up for learning. But learning what… And above all, learning who…

Learning what for… Learning to live, or learning to live…

What do we do with everything we have learned? We put it in a drawer or forget it…

Why can’t the chairs be on top of the desks, why can’t the blackboard write on our bodies, why is the classroom different?

Why is it a different classroom? What is different?

Idea and direction: Jaume Ibáñez

Text and dramaturgy: Jaume Ibáñez

Cast: Alumnes and terapeutes from ASINDOWN

Sound Space: Jaume Ibáñez

Voices: ONCE Children Chorus

Lightning: Inés Muñoz

Audiovisual Design: Marina Segarra

Stage design: Jaume Ibáñez

Production: Festival 10 Sentidos (Alexia Guillot)

Press and comunication: Geno Sales
