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Taiat Dansa

Juegos de Bauhaus


May 16th | 18:00h

Length: 45′

Spectacle dedicated to children betwen 3 and 6 years.

The new production of the company Taiat Dansa dives into the game and the avant-garde of the hand of the children’s audience.

Children will enter the theater and will enter, as in an adventure, in a staging that will reveal the mysteries of the number 3 and its load of meanings. An exploration of the basic shapes-sphere, cube and pyramid – and the colors yellow, pink and black. Guided by the performers of the piece, they will discover images and ideas that will bring them closer to art and the principles of the historic Bauhaus school and its philosophy.
Based on the company’s piece for adults, THREE by Triadic Ballet, the directors of Taiat Dansa, Meritxell Barberá & Inma García, propose in ‘Bauhaus Games’ a journey through art, crafts, design and immersive architecture with the participation of the little ones.

Along with the dancers, reminiscent of the original choreography, a new character will emerge to guide them through the different spaces. Through play, children will discover art and creativity and will be the protagonists of the movement themselves. Recovering the key ideas of Oskar Schlemmer’s Triadic Ballet, the three colors (pink, yellow and black) and the three geometric figures (square, circle and triangle) will be the constants of the new creation that maintains the mystery of the number three as a catalyst for fun.

*Thanks to the project Graners de Creació and in collaboration with La Rambleta, the company Taiat Dansa will work in residence at the theater during the spring of 2024 to test and investigate possibilities for the creation of the children’s show. ‘Juegos de Bauhaus’ will be presented within the Festival 10 Sentidos, in May 2024, an opportunity to showcase the work for children’s audiences at La Rambleta.

Company/artist: Taiat Dansa

Choreography: Meritxell Barberá & Inma García

Dancers: Lara Misó, Wilma Puentes and Julia Cambra

Original Music: David Barberá (Caldo)

Scenographic concept: Taiat Dansa y David Orrico

Set design and construction: David Orrico

Lightning: David Orrico

Costume design: Taiat Dansa

Photography and visual editing: Marta F. Gimeno

Comunication: Inventa

Visual and graphic design: Pilar Estrada

Video: Cinestorm

Management: Ana Cembrero



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