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May 12th, 13:30h

Plaza del Ayuntamiento

An intense, current and powerful street theatre, which dances above the borders and with our humanity.

Eight people lost in a city each one with a suitcase. Travelers or immigrants? Naive, curious, with emotions under the skin, they do not know the rules, our rules, our lifestyle.

Their game is so sutil that it is confused with the reality. It is there when a dialogue space is opened, where the viewer becomes an actor of theexchange and experimentation.

Kamchatka becomes finally into a mirror, the one of our behaviours facing the others, the foreign, the different. Will we build the future with the Kamchatka o will we reject them?

Collective of artists from different nationalities and from different artistics disciplines, the members of the company Kamchatka met in Barcelona in 2006. Moved by the same concerns, they started an intense training of improvisation in the streets and an investigation aroung immigration.

In March 2007, they released the show “Kamchatka”, which after reachingteh success and convincing the internationals producers in the FiraTàrrega 2007, it has been performed more than 400 times in 27 different countries and itis the winner of the Jury Award tothe best show in the international festival MiramirO in Gent, Belgium in 2008. In 2009 they created a production in exhibition room, within the framework of the Festival Grec in Barcelona, together with the Symphony Orchestra of the same city: “Música para las fieras” with which gets to approach the classical music to all the publics. In 2010, it released a new production Habitaculum and in 2014 finished a trilogy about immigration with  Fugit. After being performed in several cities in Europe, Habitaculum and Fugit counts with a world tour in festivals in Japan, Brazil, Chile…

Idea and Stage Management: Adrian Schvarzstein

Dramaturgy: Cia.Kamchàtcka

Wardrobe: Cia.Kamchatka

Performers and Creators: Cristina Aguirre, Maïka Eggericx, Sergi Estebanell, Claudio Levati, Andrea Lorenzetti, Judit Ortiz, Lluís Petit, Josep Roca, Edu Rodilla, Santi Rovira, Gary Shochat, Prisca Villa. Performers: Amaya Mínguez, Jordi Solé.

Distribution: IKEBANAH and MELANDO

Production: CARRER88, SL accompanied by Melando. Special thanks to: Escena Poblenou, Centro Cívico Can Felipa, Barcelona.