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Kylu Te Quiero

Music with Valencian Bands

Kylu Te Quiero



La Naves Centro de Innovación Social y Urbana

May 20th | 20:30h

Duration: 40 minutes

“Kylu Te Quiero are some kids from Valencia, specifically four (4), and the name I already told you (Rin, Ainara, Sergio and David), who make more or less music. Or whatever you want, but with guitars (and the occasional scream).

Since May 2022 with their first release, they have been presenting their songs here and there and polishing their live show with hammer and chisel. I don’t even know what that means. Each of the members comes from their own musical world, influenced by 90’s Japanese indie-rock and punk-pop; the dosmilero pop punk of bands like Juniper Moon or Aerolíneas Federales; and what their parents played on the car radio when they were (even more) kids. Nice pop punk for nice people. Or well, that’s my opinion.

Have a good time and sing along for a little while.”

Band: Kylu Te Quiero

Music: Kylu Te Quiero



Una Grande y Libre Decepción (Last Single)


kylu azulitos @esloque