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Macho Man

Heartbreak Hotel / Àlex Rigola

May 12-19th

Centre del Carme

Premiered at Temporada Alta, Girona, November 2018

Macho Man is a show-installation of documentary theatre with the aim of render the problem of gender violence more visible. This project seeks new ways of becoming aware of extreme machismo by joining the knowledge in performing arts, plastic arts, psychology and documentation to activate the audience further than a documentary, an information flyer or an exhibition would.

Àlex Rigola is a charismatic and creative theatre director born in Barcelona. He works both with classical and contemporary texts and plays, developing multidisciplinary works on large stages. A desire to confront performing arts with literature, plastic arts, documentary, philosophy and social issues, and an obsessive concern to try to find a scenic truth (but not real) led him to create the company HEARTBREAK HOTEL.

As artistic director of the Teatro Lliure (Barcelona), the Venice Biennale and the Teatros del Canal (Madrid), he gave support to a wide range of artists with proposals ranging from the mainstream to the most experimental.

Idea and direction: Àlex Rigola

Dramaturgy: Àlex Rigola, Alba Pujol, Ferran Dordal, Irene Vicente Salas

Content advisor and psychologist expert in gender violence: Alba Alfageme Casanova

Audiovisual design: Igor Pinto

Stage: Max Glaenzel

Executive Production: Jordi Puig Kai, Clara Aguilar (HEARTBREAK HOTEL)

Distribution: Art RepubliC

With the support of the Institut Català de les Dones, the Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya and the Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals.

Macho Man is a co-production of Heartbreak Hotel, Titus Andrònic S.L., Temporada Alta 2018 and Teatros del Canal (Comunidad de Madrid).

Company website: www.alexrigola.com www.artrepublic.es