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Pedro y el Capitán

Domingo Ferrandis

May 3rd / 5:30pm

May 4th / 12pm-5:30pm

May 5th / 12pm

Refugio antiaéreo del Ayuntamiento de València

Book your free ticket by sending an email to  reservasfestival10sentidos@gmail.com

The work is not suitable for children under the age of 14 and may hurt the sensibility of some people.

There are some events that strip our moral layers. But, as in a war, they only release our wildest instincts: the primitive beast. Our evil is cubist: victims and perpetrators overlap in the same side. By a daily routine of depraved behaviors, judgment is detached little by little. Our being gets corrupted, and is eventually driven by our darkest desires. It becomes easier to torture, rape and kill without having a bad conscience; especially if you have been persuaded to obey and hate the “other”. Pedro y el Capitán (Pedro and the Captain) is not about “good or bad” individuals but about our human condition, our complexity. What can make us come together? What can separate us?

Alteatro Producciones is a new company created with the purpose of talking about social and educational issues that happened, happen and will happen. Pedro y el Capitán is their second work. The first one, El mito de los Almogavares, was premiered last August in Ontinyent. Pedro y el Capitán is a proposal based on pure theatre. The audience won’t remain unmoved to it.  

Idea and direction: based on the play Pedro y el Capitán, directed by Domingo Ferrandis

Dramaturgy: Mario Benedetti

Performers: David Bautista, José M. Soriano

Audiovisual Design: David Bautista and Domingo Ferrandis

Stage Design: Domingo Ferrandis

Distribution and Production: Alteatro Producciones