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Podcast 10 Sentidos - Las ilusiones


Digital platforms 10 Sentidos and Las Naves

May 5th, 8th y 15th | 10:00h

5 May #01 | The illusion in new organisational models for social transformation

Have we evolved as a society? Are the new generations more tolerant and open to new social, family and diverse models? How have networks and digital media affected the way we construct our identities and our radical groups? How are illusions channelled into platforms such as instagram or twitter? We invite three speakers and a specialised journalist to address all these issues in a podcast format that will be presented as part of the 10 Senses programme.

8 May #02 | The illusion in technological, social and scientific progress

Since the Enlightenment, the illusion of technological progress has been present in modern societies. In an age of crisis and disrepute, of post-modernity, this illusion may have been eroded. Nevertheless, we are still eagerly awaiting advances that can cure diseases such as cancer and alleviate degenerative pathologies. In this podcast, we would like to take a closer look at what is expected of technology, how to redirect our desires and our resources as a society in order to achieve a higher quality of life and greater hope for the future.

15 May #03 | The illusion in València Futura

The testimonies of the young people who will participate in the documentary produced in collaboration with Festival 10 Sentidos and Las Naves, in this podcast, and based on the questions of a moderator specialised in urban planning and citizen innovation, a debate will be held on the illusions that the Valencian capital generates or should continue to generate.

Project in collaboration with Las Naves Centro de innovación social and urbana