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¿Quién mató a las ardillas?

¿Quién mató a las ardillas?

Grup BYE

May 2nd / 8:30pm

Monasterio San Miguel de los Reyes

May 11th

Plaza del Ayuntamiento

The work is formed up of La pieza se conforma por la intervención de 10 paneles en base al recurso del esgrafíado, cuya práctica simula gestos violentos debido al material quirúrgico empleado en el momento de representar imágenes estáticas. Lo usaremos en primer lugar de manera indirecta realizando esgrafíados para trasladarlos a la serigrafía; las imágenes resultantes serán combinadas con pintura y decollage, rompiendo y modificando los papeles. En segundo lugar, utilizaremos el esgrafíado de manera directa por las caras traseras de los paneles. Para ello pintaremos la superficie primero de blanco y posteriormente de negro con el objetivo de rascar sobre los tableros diferentes textos extraídos de las confesiones de los espectadores.

The piece is formed by the intervention of 10 panels based on the use of sgraffito. These practice simulates violent gestures due to the surgical material used at the time of representing static images. In the first place, we will use it in an indirect way, making sgraffito to transfer them to the serigraphy; the resulting images will be combined with paint and decollage, breaking and modifying the papers. Secondly, we will use sgraffito directly on the back faces of the panels. To do so, we will paint the surface first white and then black in order to scratch on the boards different texts extracted from the confessions of the spectators.

BYE (Valencia, 2016) is an artistic team made up of Borja Moreno and Esteban Ferrer (Alicante 1993 / Castellón 1993), members of the self-publishing group LesBovaes. Since 2011, when they first met in the Universitat Politècnica de València, they’ve been carrying out different projects in relation to their shared interest in engraving techniques. They create BYE in 2016. The name BYE is both the acronym of their names and their symbolic “farewell” to the individual practice in search for the collective work.

Idea and direction: BYE (BORJA MORENO and ESTEBAN FERRER)