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Sergio R. Suárez - La Basal

La Revisión_SITESPECIFIC.10s

CaixaForum València

May 13th | 13:30h

Leght: 20 minutes


A contemporary creation project on the construction of the codes of representation of the language of Spanish dance and flamenco in terms of gender. The Review highlights the need to reflect on the strong gender bias (whether we are talking about identity or expression) that dance suffers from, whether in the professional or pedagogical sphere. The need to abandon normativity, or more than abandoning it, to drag it to the margins, only with the premise of being, without a limiting choreographic language. It is possible, only through a process of questioning the structures through which we relate; it is possible, if we make a revision.

Name: La Revisión_SITESPECIFIC.10s

Company/artist: Sergio R. Suárez – La Basal

Concept and direction: Sergio R. Suárez

Dramaturgy: Sergio R. Suárez

Music: Mauricio Pérez Fayos

Costume design: Paloma de Alba and Guillermo Espinosa

Lightning: Mauricio Pérez Fayos

Stage and set design: Alicia Gómez Quirantes

Production and distribution: La Basal

Press and communication: La Basal




La Revisión3