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Mauricio Pérez

Espacio Inestable

17th & 18th of November

TACTO-TÁCTIL is a contemporary dance proposal that arises from the concern to study and expose from an artistic point of view the evolution of the technological world. With the premise of creating an intermittent journey through different situations or images between the analogical and the technological world, the piece will develop through the body, exploring the multiple relationships that the human beings have with and without technology. The warm body versus the cold, the flesh versus the machine, the accompanied body versus the solitary body. A piece in collaboration with the Conservatori Professional de Dansa de València.

Mauricio Pérez Fayos, studied Choreography of Contemporary Dance at the Conservatorio Superior de Danza “María de Ávila” in Madrid. He graduated in Contemporary Dance from the Conservatori Professional de Dansa de València, obtaining the extraordinary prize at regional level, awarded by the Office of Education, Research, Culture and Sport of Valencia. He also works as a freelance dancer in the companies Proyecto Titoyaya, Led Silhouette and Taiat Dansa.

Choreographic direction: Mauricio Pérez Fayos
Advice: Colectivo Banquet, Sergio R. Suárez
Choreography: Mauricio Pérez Fayos in collaboration with the dancers
Performers: Marc Cerdà, Sandra Comes, Andreu Gironés, Violeta Guerrero, Erika Marcilla, Nuria Molina, María Moreno, Zoe Moreno, Joan Morera, Inés Sancho, Jorge Tarraga, Lucía Tomillo
Music: AA.VV.
Ligthing design: Tasso Hortal
A proyect with  the collaboration of Conservatori Professional de Dansa de València.