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11th May / 9pm

Plaza del Ayuntamiento

TIPEX creates a simple punk, played with precision and strength. But something else is needed to stand out as they did. The secret is to do things well and with passion. But it’s not enough either. People have to like it: the key is in the melodies. In the  album there is an underlying sweet sadness, an omnipresent subtle pessimism. But the energy they communicate disguises it partially and makes you dance at the same time.

TIPEX are Joaquín Barceló (bass and chorus), Óscar Mezquita (drums and chorus) and María Inglés (guitar and vocals).

The band was founded in 2017. In February 2018, they released their first album, in digital. A few months later, Tipex, together with Flexidiscos –Oscar Mezquita’s record project– released a vinyl album, designed by Teodoro Hernández. Since then, they have not stopped playing, including a ten-day tour on the north of Spain.

Idea and direction: María Inglés

Performers: Joaquín Barceló, Óscar Mezquita, María Inglés