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Zagreb Dance Company


La Rambleta

May 8th | 19:30h

Length: 45′

Double program with:

Beatriz Mira & Tiago Barreiros

Up&Up. A joint journey, a state of heightened emotions, a thrill. In a joint ritual, six dancers are somewhere up, discovering the joy of belonging to a community and the responsibility of the individual to the community and vice versa.

A renowned contemporary dance companyZagreb Dance Company has since its foundation (1970.) remained uncompromising in its particular artistic expression. Zagreb Dance Company has educated a number of dancers and dance experts who are now working in Croatia and abroad. Zagreb Dance Company has earned its reputation with the originality of its productions which are characterised by the performative energy and the unique readiness to face the challenges of different artistic approaches and poetics. Artistic directors and producers of the Company are Petra Glad Mažar and Petra Valentić.

Dancers: Luna Lilek, Lara Kapeloto, Silvija Musić, Margareta Firinger, Gendis Putri Kartini, Linda Tarnovski

Original idea and direction: Ferenc Feher junto con intérpretes de la compañía de danza Zagreb

Music: Nenad Kovačić, Ferenc Feher

Wardrove: Zdravka Ivandija Kirigin, Ana Mikulić

Ligthing: Saša Fistrić

Photography: Jelena Janković, Marko Ercegović

Graphic Design: Ana Rako

Production and distribution: Zagreb Dance Company en coproducción con Zagreb Youth Theater

Press and comunication: Zagreb Dance Company


