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Alias Sessions

Murcof + Sergi Palau

Monasterio San Miguel de los Reyes

May 2nd | 20:00h

Length: 50 minutes

It is an audiovisual performance based on Murcof’s latest work, The Alias Sessions, released on 21st May 2021 on Leaf. This double album is a collection of works composed exclusively for the Swiss dance company Alias, specifically for two of their choreographic works, Contre-Mondes (2017) and Normal (2018). This performance is based on the music of Contre-Mondes, the first half of the album.

Sergi Palau has created the visual content of the show, mainly using video footage from several of Alias’ live performances as raw material for further processing and deconstruction, thus creating a completely new narrative and dramaturgy resulting in a surreal and dreamlike image. visual experience. It is still recognisable as Alias’ work, but it has been reimagined and recontextualised to a significant degree.

In Alias Sessions we talk about the human being. They talk about their relationships and how they affect the passage of life, life and death, retracing their steps again and again, in an attempt to learn, from the world of dreams and surrealism, how to manage what we call love.

Idea and direction: Murcof + Sergi Palau

Dramaturgy: Sergi Palau

Music: Murcof

Audiovisual design: Sergi Palau

Web: Murcof  –  Sergi Palau
