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Armas para salvar hombres, imágenes para someterlos

Ana Císcar

May 3rd / 19:30h

Palau de la Generalitat

The Third of May 1808, by Francisco de Goya, reveal the terrible relationship between the enlightened rationality the French brought with them and the violence that clouds any ideal project.

This project consists of a canvas and an audiovisual intervention juxtaposing images that portray the destructive capacity of humans. These images  contradict the ideals of emancipation and progress targeted by the Enlightenment, and have actually become the opposite of their original purpose.

Ana Císcar’s work focuses on the narrative and fictional drive from images. The artist’s work is based on the appropriation of old photographs, archive photographs and press photographs, which she translates into plastic language by blurring, recomposing and juxtaposing the originals. The results are hybrid paintings that, although they keep the appearance of a document –the messenger of truth–, have become new ambiguous images. The decontextualisation of photographs and documents is intended to generate a discontinuity that invites the audience to question the meaning of what they see, as well as to question the prevailing historical narrative.