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No me hizo Brossa

Teatre Principal

4th-th16 of May

Monday – Friday: 19h & 20h

Saturday & Sunday: 12h, 13h, 19h & 20h

No me hizo Brossa is a sound and plastic installation whose genesis is the transversal exploration of the poet’s most unknown and early prose. A passable work that interprets the landscapes within the prose and the sound of the word of the scenic poetry of the forties.

The audience enters a space with a central rectangle with an excessive accumulation of moving objects (which mutate, guided by the sound of the music they generate, into magical, mythical, warlike landscapes or misty forests).

A work where not only the knowledge of different disciplines is involved but also the connection between them to reach a wider scope of action, and offer a result of bastard genre, deviation and deformation of Brossian genres such as object poetry, scenic poetry or post-theatre, always from the sonorous point of view.

Idea & direction: Laia Torrents & Roger Aixut (Cabosanroque)

Dramaturgy: Laia Torrents & Roger Aixut (Cabosanroque)

Music: Laia Torrents & Roger Aixut (Cabosanroque)

Ligthing: Laia Torrents & Roger Aixut (Cabosanroque)

Stage Design: Laia Torrents & Roger Aixut (Cabosanroque)

Production & distibution: Loïc Bastos

Press & comunication: Loïc Bastos