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Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis
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Ana Álvarez-Errecalde


La Trini espai d’art

May the 6th until june 6th

May the 6th | 19:00h inauguration

May the 7th | 11:00h guided tour and workshop by Ana Álvarez

CARE, caring matters is a research work done by the artist Ana Álvarez-Errecalde. It consists of a photographic series that portrays care relationships around dependency, and collects testimonies of the people portrayed together with the reflections that the interaction with each of the chosen people provoked in the artist.

The aim of the project is to raise awareness of the precarious economy of the caregiving sector; to raise the question of who cares for caregivers and the effects of caring in solitude. By making diverse life experiences visible, it seeks to rethink the historical and social value of care.

CARE is a response to the cultural imaginary that portrayed disability and dependence through ridicule, caricature and derision. This project aims to reverse the connotation of dependency as marginality, incarnation of evil and punishment, with images that consider and prioritise the dignity of every human being.

Artist: Ana Álvarez-Errecalde


